FSM 152: Creating and Maintaining a Strong Food Safety Culture

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Effective food safety is a family affair. The same true for farms, food processors, food delivery services, and grocery stores. When everyone is committed and involved with food safety there can be meaningful reductions of foodborne illness. The Food and Drug Administration’s Blueprint for the Future of Food Safety promotes establishing a culture of food safety from the farm to table. This includes recommending strategies to help consumers access, understand, and utilize new technologies such as smart refrigerators linked to cell phones. The FDA will also encourage influencers such as chefs and food bloggers to model food safety behaviors. To build a culture of food safety, the FDA encourages use of digital platforms to reach consumers with food safety messages, including podcasts like this one.

Thanks for listening, this is Susie Craig from Food Safety in a Minute.


Food and Drug Administration. New Era of Smarter Food Safety: FDA’s Blueprint for the Future. Accessed online September 8, 2020.