FSM 149: The New Blueprint for Future of Food Safety Food and Drug Administration

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

My next podcasts focus on the Food and Drug Administration’s new blueprint for the future of food safety. An updated approach developed with more than 100 experts including consumers, food safety experts, the food industry, technology firms, and state, federal, and international regulatory agencies. People-focused and led, it’s based on the standards in the Food Safety Modernization Act. Judy McMeekin, an FDA Associate

Commissioner puts it this way: “Science, technology, and innovation continue to evolve, and we must constantly think about how we evolve along with them.

The four core elements are:

  • Tech-Enabled Traceability,
  • Smarter Tools and Approaches for Prevention and Outbreak Response,
  • New Business Models and Retail Modernization, and
  • Food Safety Culture.

Read the FDA’s Blueprint for the Future of Food Safety online. It’s easy to find.

This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.


Food and Drug Administration. New Era of Smarter Food Safety: FDA’s Blueprint for the Future. Accessed online September 8, 2020.