FSM 148: Keeping Food Cold and Safe in School Lunch Bags

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig.

Did you know perishable foods out of refrigeration for more than two hours may be unsafe to eat? If you pack school lunches with these foods, find out if your child’s classroom has a refrigerator. Classroom refrigeration makes food safety much easier. If this is the case, protect your student and their friends. Use warm soapy water followed by a rinse to clean the inside and the outside of the lunch bag prior to packing.

Using insulated lunch bags help keep cold foods cold, but it takes more to keep perishable food safe to eat. Use one or more frozen cold packs. Consider replacing food requiring cooling with whole fruit, granola, single serve containers of applesauce or pudding, or trail mix.

From Washington State University Extension, this has been Food Safety in a Minute.


Packing a Safe Lunch for School. Esther Ellis. Eat Right. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2/1/20.
Accessed online 8/16/21.