FSM 146: September is National Food Safety Month

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Episode Transcription

Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig.

September is National Food Safety Month. A great time to check out online learning opportunities including specialized sites for expectant mothers, children, adults, seniors, and those living with chronic illness. Sometimes, finding online information based on science and research may be challenging.

Start with these three recommended sites:

  • Washington State University Extension Consumer Food Safety website,
  • Partnership for Food Safety Education, and the
  • United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service After listening to this podcast, it’s easy finding a link for each website. Click again on Food Safety in a Minute in SoundCloud or ITunes, open written transcription to find direct links to each website.

This is Susie Craig from Food Safety in a Minute.


Washington State University Extension Consumer Food Safety. Accessed online 8/16/21.

Partnership for Food Safety Education. Accessed online 8/16/21

Food Safety and Inspection Service – United States Department of Agriculture. Accessed online 8/16/21.