FSM 144: What is a Ghost Kitchen?

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

Have you heard the term ghost kitchen? It’s a new term for food preparation operations who provide delivery service to your home. Arising from the COVID pandemic, you may find ghost kitchens on applications such as DoorDash or Grubhub. Online, they look like a conventional restaurant. However, they do not have a physical storefront with dining space or waitstaff. They prepare food in an inspected kitchen for off-site consumption only. Often, they have a strong social media presence with photos of their kitchen operations and reviews from customers.

Are they safe? In rented, inspected kitchens, ghost kitchens operate within established rules from county health departments in Washington State. In that respect, they are just like restaurants and food trucks.

This is Susie Craig from Food Safety in a Minute.


Washington Hospitality Association. Are Ghost Kitchens Coming? Should We be Afraid? Accessed online

Pennsylvania State University and Conversation U.S. Are Ghost Kitchens Here to Stay? Accessed online