FSM 127: Backyard Poultry: Tips for Food Safety

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Do you have a backyard chicken coop? In urban, suburban, and rural settings, families are choosing to raise poultry. An important food safety consideration is protecting your family from Salmonella infections. Backyard poultry can carry these pathogenic bacteria while appearing healthy.

Here’s things you can do to ensure food safety:

  • Keep and use a container of hand sanitizer in your coop.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after touching poultry or anything in the area they live.
  • Keep backyard poultry out of your house, always.
  • Stay outdoors when cleaning anything used to raise or care for poultry.
  • Designate a pair of shoes, used while caring for your poultry and kept outside your home.

For Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig.


How to Stay Healthy Around Backyard Poultry. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1/5/21.

Outbreaks of Salmonella Infections Linked to Backyard Poultry – Final Report. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. 12/17/20.