FSM 120: Plant-Based Meat Alternatives: Processing and Food Safety

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

Increasingly popular among consumers, plant-based meat alternatives have similar texture, mouthfeel, and taste to beef. Using high pressure and high heat, a moist flour-like mixture of plant-based protein and ingredients are extruded, pushed through an opening producing a fibrous, meat-like structure. Processing time along with high temperatures are key factors in reducing microorganisms in the final product. This produces a safe product for you while extending refrigerated shelf life.

Companies follow processing standards to prevent and limit the growth of harmful microorganisms during manufacturing and storage. Once produced, plant-based meat alternatives are perishable foods; refrigerated like ground beef, at 40 degrees F or below.

This is Susie Craig from Food Safety in a Minute.


Jane M. Caldwell. How Safe Are Plant-Based Meat Alternatives? Food Technology Magazine. 2/1/2021.

Tara McHugh. How Plant-Based Meat and Seafood Are Processed. Food Technology Magazine.