FSM 119: Plant-Based Meat Alternatives: Ingredients and Food Safety

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This is Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension.

Increasingly, plant-based meat alternatives are more available to consumers, including meatless burgers. Most ingredients in plant-based burgers are included on the GRAS list. GRAS stands for Generally Recognized as Safe for human consumption. Soy and pea protein and wheat gluten are often used to reproduce the texture, taste, appearance, and nutritional value of beef. Formulations may also include potato, mung bean, and rice protein. Fats and oils from coconut, sunflower, canola, and sesame are used to create mouthfeel and to add flavor.

Product labels include additives for flavoring, nutritional value, coloring, and binding. Pigments from beets, red cabbage, and carrots are used for coloring. Sugar and spices mask off-flavors of plant protein.

Thank you for listening to Food Safety in a Minute.


Jane M. Caldwell. How Safe Are Plant-Based Meat Alternatives? Food Technology Magazine. 2/1/2021.

James Temple. Bill Gates: Rich Nations Should Shift Entirely to Synthetic Beef. MIT Technology Review.