FSM 118: Plant-Based Meat Alternatives: An Overview

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Plant-based meat alternatives are in the news, your grocery store, and restaurants. Bill Gates wrote a new book titled How to Avoid Climate Disaster. In it, he discusses environmentally friendly ways of decreasing methane gas from cows. One approach suggested is moving away from eating beef to plant-based meat.

There are many food companies manufacturing plant-based alternatives to ground beef, sausage, chicken, and seafood. Products are already in grocery stores and fast-food restaurants. For example, Burger King has the Impossible Burger and McDonalds the “McPlant” sandwich.

Listen to podcasts on March 10th, March 17th, and March 24th to learn about plant-based meat alternatives: What ingredients are used, how is it manufactured, package labeling, and product safety.

This is Susie Craig, from Washington State University Extension.


Jane M. Caldwell. How Safe Are Plant-Based Meat Alternatives? Food Technology Magazine. 2/1/2021.

James Temple. Bill Gates: Rich Nations Should Shift Entirely to Synthetic Beef. MIT Technology Review.