FSM 116: Food Packaging and Food Safety: Sustainable Food Packaging – Smart Packaging

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

“Smart” packaging is a new approach to food packaging. It targets the reduction of food waste which in turn decreases food packaging waste leading to a more sustainable food system. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates 63 million tons of food is thrown away from restaurants, institutional foodservice, and our homes. Better management of our food supply for food security and sustainable food packaging go together, mutually beneficial.

“Smart” packaging uses bio and chemical sensors to monitor the quality and safety of perishable foods. In the future, nanotechnology will likely provide biosensors able to detect pathogens, pesticides, or even intentional food contamination. Watch for new developments in food packaging which will enhance our food safety and food security throughout our food system.

This is Susie Craig.


Sustainable Management of Food. United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Wasted Food Programs and Resources Across the United States. Environmental Protection Agency.

What You May Not Know About Sustainable Packaging and Quality of Your Food. International Food
Information Council. Food Insight. March 20, 2020.