FSM 115: Food Packaging and Food Safety: Sustainable Food Packaging – Eco-design Packaging

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This is Susie Craig, from Washington State University Extension.

Many food processors are committed to eco-design packaging for sustainability. To be successful, processors committed to eco-design begin with careful consideration of factors related to food safety, food quality, and the recycling stream.

One new packaging approach is called light-weighting. Bottles and pourable containers have been re-designed with different shapes and thickness. Water bottles have curved rather than straight sides using less plastic, while holding the same amount of water.

Another type of eco-design is the use of bioplastics and biodegradable materials. They are manufactured from vegetable oils or corn for food packaging. This packaging degrades more quickly and may be eligible for local composting programs.

This is Susie Craig, from Washington State University Food Safety in a Minute.


International Food Information Council. Food Insight. What You May Not Know About Sustainable Packaging and Quality of Your Food. March 20, 2020.