FSM 114: Food Packaging and Food Safety: An Overview of Sustainable Food Packaging

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension.

According to the International Food Information Council, 59% of consumers say it’s important for food products and packaging to be produced in an environmentally sustainable way. Consumers and producers alike are encouraged to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle food packaging for environmentally sustainable practices.

In a study conducted by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition in 2017, 94% of Americans had either access to curbside recycling programs or access to drop-off programs. However, even with widespread availability of recycling programs, consumers often fail to follow-through. More than half the household materials thrown away in King County could have been recycled. Learn more about recycling food packaging by contacting your city or county government.

This is Susie Craig.


What You May Not Know About Sustainable Packaging and Quality of Your Food. International
Food Information Council. Food Insight: March 20, 2020.

94% of US residents have access to recycling, but not all curbside. Sustainable Packaging Coalition.

2020 Food & Health Survey. International Food Information Council.