FSM 113: Food Packaging and Food Safety: Metal Packaging

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This is Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig.

Did you know 10% of food products are packaged in metal? Aerosol containers of whipped cream, soft drinks, vegetables and fruits, and many other processed foods use metal packaging to increase shelf life and maintain food safety. Most often metal containers are made of aluminum, tinplated steel and tin-free steel.

The type of metal used to package food products is determined while considering food safety, shelf life, necessary processing, and protecting products from being damaged or crushed during shipping and handling. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates packaging materials for safety. Preventing the migration of microscopic particles of tin to packaged food, most metal containers are coated with a protective sealer.

From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.


International Food Information Council. Food Insight. Food Packaging and Quality of Your Food. July 21, 2020.

International Food and Information Council: Food Insight. More Than Just Plastic, Tin or Metal. September 26 2018.