FSM 112: Food Packaging and Food Safety: Glass Packaging

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Food historians date glass packaging to 7000 BC in Egypt. The use of glass packaging became widespread in the 1800’s when glass containers were first used to heat and preserve food. Glass packaging prevents contamination, can be sterilized and is recyclable. Consumers value the transparency and safety of glass food packaging when we’re purchasing food or using glass for home food storage.

Glass packaging has been and is an important part of our food system, ensuring food safety. Though replaced by metal cans, food processors initially used glass packaging, canning foods giving us safe, year-round accessibility to seasonal fruits and vegetables. While you may see fewer, glass packaged items in your market, US glass container companies are a $5.5 billion dollar industry employing 18,000 workers.

From Washington State University Extension, this is Susie Craig.


International Food Information Council. Food Insight. Food Packaging and Quality of Your Food. July 21, 2020.

Glass Packaging Institute.