FSM 111: Food Packaging and Food Safety: Paper Packaging

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig.

Ever wondered why food and beverages are packaged so differently? Packaging is food specific to maintain food safety and food quality. For example, food packaging blocks light which could destroy nutrient content and change food color during storage. Specially trained engineers use computer and mechanical design tools to develop and implement specialized packing for food products. Check out You Tube for videos showing packaging of food products and interviews with packaging engineers.

Packaging materials include paper, glass, metal, and plastics. Paper packaging has been around for centuries. Cardboard was developed in the mid-1800’s and first used by Kellogg’s to protect their flaked corn cereal. From parchment paper to pizza boxes, paper is a packaging choice which is safe, cost effective, versatile, recyclable, and renewable.

For Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig.


International Food Information Council. Food Insight. Food Packaging and Quality of Your Food. July 21, 2020.

Ag Explorer. Find Your Future in Agriculture. Packaging Engineer.