FSM 108: Ordering In and Holiday Food Safety

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension.

COVID-19 has changed holiday celebrations. Many families are ordering food, prepared meals, and meal kits online. If that’s true for you, there are steps you can take for food safety. Popular food choices during the holidays are seafood, poultry, and beef. If frozen, they should arrive at your door packed in dry ice and frozen. If food is fresh, it should arrive at 40 degrees F or less. The same is true for perishable ingredients in meal kits.

Once received, check temperatures with a food thermometer. Next, immediately refrigerate, or freeze as appropriate until you’re ready to prepare the food. If the temperature is higher than 40 degrees F on arrival, do not eat the food and return to the supplier.

From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.