FSM 099: Safety Features in an Electric, Countertop Pressure Cooker

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Electric countertop pressure cookers are very popular with many brands and models. If you have already purchased a countertop pressure cooker, start by reading the directions – carefully. Filling your pressure cooker to appropriate levels is important. Food ingredients which expand such as rice and beans may require a lower fill level. And, some food ingredients aren’t recommended including noodles, applesauce and cranberries which may foam, clogging the pressure release valve. Always twist the lid to a locked icon before activating the cook button. After cooking, allow the pressure cooker to depressurize and follow instructions. To avoid burns, remember to stay away from the steam as you open the depressurized cooker. Finally, frequently check the sealing ring for cracks and replace when necessary.

This is Susie Craig from Food Safety in a Minute.