FSM 092: Safe Recipe Activity for Youth: Food Safety Education in Your Kitchen

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension.

Are you looking for a food safety activity that’s family friendly, fun, and educational? Research studies show recipes rarely include specific steps which enhance food safety. When they are included recipe directions, it’s much more likely home cooks follow them.

Visit the Partnership for Food Safety Education to find a Build a Safe Recipe activity you can do at home with your children. Created for youth, this online activity includes pre/post quizzes and practice recipes for turkey burgers, vegetarian lasagna, and breakfast quiche. Build a Safe Recipe is aligned with the National Health and Science Education Standards and reinforces handwashing, safe cooking temperatures, and food safety practices in the kitchen. And, after your children create a safe recipe, you can prepare the food.

For Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig.