FSM 088: Send Suspicious Seeds to the Seattle Plant Inspection Office

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig.

On July 24th, consumers in Washington State began receiving unsolicited seeds in their mail. Most packages came from China and were labeled as containing jewelry. The seeds may be agricultural smuggling, used to bypass safeguards to our Food System.

They could do serious harm to farms, livestock, home gardens, and our environment. The United States Department of Agriculture wants and needs to test them. Don’t open any unsolicited seeds in your mail, instead mail them Seattle Plant Inspection Office. You can find their address by placing agr.wa.gov in your search engine.

Scroll down to find the article on the seeds and the plant inspection office address. Your help will make positive differences in Food Safety.

For Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig from from Washington State University Extension.