FSM 082: COVID-19 – Takeout from Your Favorite Restaurant

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This is Food Safety in a Minute and I’m Susie Craig.

Depending on where you live, restaurants may offer takeout or drive-thru for customers. Supporting neighborhood restaurants is important. They have been among the hardest hit businesses during the pandemic. Even with re-opening, takeout food is a much safer option for anyone at greater risk of serious complications of COVID-19. Choosing takeout or drive-thru options reduces your exposure to other people who may be infected, therefore decreasing your risk of COVID-19.

Currently, there is no evidence that takeout food or drive-thru pick-up increases rate of illness from COVID-19. Restaurants employ food safety practices from the Centers for Disease Control and local health departments. However, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly when you arrive home and before eating your takeout food.

From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.