FSM 079: COVID-19 and Fresh Produce

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Should you be concerned about COVID-19 and the safety of fresh produce? There’s good news from the Centers for Disease Control, Food and Drug Administration, and the United States Department of Agriculture. There are no reports of COVID-19 illness transmitted by produce to people.

Commercial produce operations and their employees follow food safety guidelines which prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Workers stay home if they are ill.
  • Employees practice social distancing working six feet apart and while taking breaks.
  • They work in the same small group each day, minimizing exposure. If one worker is diagnosed with COVID-19, only the small group is quarantined rather than the entire farm work crew.
  • Workers follow procedures for hand washing and sanitizer use.
  • And, they wear face coverings while working.

This is Susie Craig for Food Safety in a Minute.