Five Steps For Safe Shopping

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Prevent the Spread of COVID-19.

Follow these five steps for safe shopping during the pandemic.

  1. Focus on your hands. If possible, start and finish your shopping trips with hand washing. Hand washing is always best. Only use a hand sanitizer when you’re unable to wash.
  2. Sanitize cart handles with disinfecting wipes. Bring your own is your store doesn’t have them.
  3. Practice social distancing maintaining at least six feet, about two shopping cart lengths between you and other shoppers and while you’re in line for check-out.
  4. Use single use bags provided by the store. This is a safer choice during the pandemic. And, some stores aren’t allowing reusable bags.
  5. After shopping, take bags to one space in your home. Wash your hands. Store food then clean and sanitize that surface.

Stay home, stay safe, and stay healthy.