Episode 55: What To Do With Food Gifts At Your Front Door

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute, I’m Susie Craig.

Have you opened your door this holiday season to find a package marked “Perishable or Keep Refrigerated”? If it’s a perishable food, your package should arrive with a cold source and be packed in heavy cardboard or foam, keeping your gift cold.

Open the food immediately and use a thermometer to check the temperature. It’s important the food item shows a temperature under 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit: Do not eat the food product and let the food company know by phone or email about how your food gift arrived at your front door.

Always refrigerate your perishable food gift immediately to ensure safety.

This is Food Safety in a Minute, I’m Susie Craig with Washington State University Extension.