Episode 50: Traditional Holiday Pumpkin Pie Safety

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

It’s the time of year when many of us make pumpkin or sweet potato pies for the holidays. From a food safety perspective, these pies differ from pies made with fruit. Traditional recipes are more similar to custard pies than fruit pies with ingredients such as eggs and milk. During preparation, cooking, cooling, and storing your pie, practice these easy food safety steps.

  • Bake your pie to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Cool, then immediately refrigerate your pie.
  • When serving, minimize time in the temperature danger zone to two hours or less. The temperature danger zone is 40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Promptly refrigerate leftover pie.
  • If you like warm pumpkin pie use your microwave to reheat.

For Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig.