Episode 37: Fairs And Food Safety

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Will you be visiting a county or state fair this summer? Fairs, families and food are a winning combination for many Americans. Funnel cakes, elephant ears, burgers, fried pickles, cotton candy in a bag, and kettle corn are some of the most popular food choices. Food vendors at the fair follow the same food safety regulations as restaurants. Vendors have a temporary food permit or license and are inspected by local public health officials.

Between visiting livestock exhibits, petting zoos, and the midway with its’ rides and games, there are many opportunities to pick up harmful bacteria on your hands. Bacteria which may be transferred from your hands to the food you eat at the fair. Always wash your hands with soap and water for twenty seconds before eating or drinking food at the fair. Help your children do the same.

For Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.