Episode 36: Fairs And Petting Zoos – Keeping Children Safe

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For Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig.

Fairs and petting zoos are wonderful places for children to interact with animals while learning about agriculture. Frequently they offer opportunities for children to touch, pet, or feed animals. While serious illnesses resulting from visiting petting zoos at fairs and festivals are relatively rare. They do happen and they may be very serious.

From the Centers for Disease Control, here are some ways to protect your children:

  • Children five and younger should not have contact with reptiles, amphibians, or live poultry. These animals are more likely to make them sick.
  • Leave strollers, pacifiers, cups and toys outside the exhibits.
  • Prevent your children from sitting or playing on the ground in animal areas.
  • Always wash your hands and theirs before eating or drinking.

This is Susie Craig for Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension.