Episode 19: Egg Facts – Safely Hiding Easter Eggs

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig.

Did you grow up celebrating Easter with eggs that had been dyed and hidden somewhere in the backyard on Easter morning? Once eggs are cooked and colored, they are a perishable food. As such, they should not be left un-refrigerated for more than two hours if you plan to eat them.

Hiding places should be considered carefully. It’s easy to see the potential for contamination in your backyard. You should avoid hiding eggs in any areas where they might come in-contact with dirt, pets, wild animals, insects, or chemicals. It’s easy for eggs to crack during cooking and coloring – potentially exposing the cooked eggs to disease-causing bacteria and other contamination. If you have been hiding eggs outside, consider safer alternatives this year. Consider using colored eggs inside and hide plastic eggs filled with candy on your lawn.

I’m Susie Craig with Washington State University Extension and this has been Food Safety in a Minute