
FSM 282: Is Rain Barrel Water Safe for Use in School Gardens?

Episode Transcription I’m Susie Criag, welcome to Food Safety in a Minute. Is rain barrel water safe for use in school gardens? While rain barrels are excellent tools for teaching water conservation, their collected water may not be suitable for edible crops. Most rain barrel water originates from roofs and gutters, potentially containing contaminants, including […]

FSM 281: Check School Garden Soil for Lead

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension. It’s important to assess school gardens for lead in soil. Start by asking if soil for inground gardens has been evaluated. If not, it’s easy to buy a test kit online or ask a Master Gardener for help. Elevated lead levels […]

FSM 280: Choose School Garden Location with Food Safety in Mind Food Safety in School Gardens

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension. Food grown and harvested in school gardens are a wonderful way to experience real-life applications of science, agriculture, horticulture, ecology, and nutrition. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or involved in school food service, it’s important to practice food safety from the […]

FSM 252: Engaging Your Children in Food Safety National Food Safety Month

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute. September is National Food Safety Month. Whether home schooling or an interested parent helping your children learn about food safety, there are science-based resources for kindergarteners to high school students available from the National Partnership of Food Safety Education. They have […]

FSM 233: Make Safe Moldable Clay from Flour for Summer Craft Time

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig. Will you be making moldable clay for craft time with your children and grandchildren this summer? Flour is the common ingredient used in homemade clay. However, there is a risk of disease-causing E. coli bacteria in raw flour which can cause serious illness. For raw […]

FSM 148: Keeping Food Cold and Safe in School Lunch Bags

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig. Did you know perishable foods out of refrigeration for more than two hours may be unsafe to eat? If you pack school lunches with these foods, find out if your child’s classroom has a refrigerator. Classroom refrigeration makes food safety much easier. […]

FSM 147: Preparing and Packing Safe School Lunches

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute. Are you packing lunches for children as they return to school? For most of us, it’s been a long time since their lunch bags have been packed for in-person school. Here are a few important preparation guidelines to ensure food safety […]

FSM 093: Food Safety Education Activities for Younger Children

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute. Would you like to teach your children about food safety? The Partnership for Food Safety Education has lots of ways to help you learn with your children, keeping your family healthy and safe. Find them online. Once on their website click […]

FSM 092: Safe Recipe Activity for Youth: Food Safety Education in Your Kitchen

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension. Are you looking for a food safety activity that’s family friendly, fun, and educational? Research studies show recipes rarely include specific steps which enhance food safety. When they are included recipe directions, it’s much more likely home cooks follow them. Visit […]

Episode 41: Packing Safe School Lunches for Your Children

Episode Transcription This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension with Food Safety in a Minute. “What’s for lunch?” With school starting, you may be looking for ways to safely pack healthy foods and beverages for your child. If they include perishable foods, it is important to keep those foods cold and to use […]