Technology and Food Safety

FSM 287: California Testing Baby Food for Heavy Metals

Episode Transcription I’m Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension. On January 1st, this year, California began requiring baby food testing for heavy metals: Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. They require a minimum of monthly testing of a representative sample of baby food which is sold, held, or distributed in California. Results will be available […]

FSM 286: Innovations in Food Safety: Advanced Detection Methods for Disease-Causing Bacteria

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute. Food scientists, engineers, and microbiologists are continually looking for solutions for food safety problems, and ways to work more effectively to protect our food supply from farm to table. At Osaka Metropolitan University, researchers developed a unique method for simultaneous detection […]

FSM 257: Reducing Food Waste in Grocery Stores: Dynamic Pricing

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute. Did you know 119 billion pounds of food is wasted each year at grocery stores? Grocers are considering a pricing strategy for perishable foods called Dynamic Pricing. Perishable products would be gradually reduced the longer they were on shelves. According to […]

FSM 218: Food Safety, RTE Meals and our U.S. Service Members

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute Do you know someone serving in the US Armed Forces? Ask them about the RTE foods. This abbreviation stands for Ready to Eat. They are processed to be consumed safely without heat or additional preparation, then packaged as Meals Ready to […]

FSM 217: Food Safety Research and Product Development: Edible Microbial Tags for Food Traceability

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig. Have you noticed QR codes on food products? QR stands for “quick response” initially developed as an alternative to barcodes. Recently at Cornell University, researchers found consumers will use QR codes with their phone to determine how long […]

FSM 216: Food Science and Technology: Food Safety Technologies

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension. This month, our focus is food science and technology innovations necessary to feed the growing world population while reducing the food system’s impact on our planet. One new trend is using food safety technologies to reduce chemical and water usage during food […]

FSM 215: Food Science and Technology Trends: Food Safety Technologies

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig. Digital technologies in food production from farm to table are reducing the food system’s impact on water, climate, and ecosystems. The pandemic, with labor shortages and supply chain issues have heightened the pace of their adoption in food processing, packaging, and distribution. Food manufacturers use […]

FSM 214: Food Science and Technology Trends: Alternative-Protein Trends

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute This month, our focus are sustainable trends and innovations which reduce the food system’s impact on water, climate, and ecosystems. One example is the application of alternative-protein technology. Consumers are already purchasing higher protein content foods with lower carbon footprints such […]

FSM 177: Jelly Ice Cubes – New Solution for Cold Storage of Perishable Food

Episode Transcription This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension. Food safety changes and evolves with identification of critical issues and research conducted at Land-grant universities. Food scientists at the University of California Davis recently designed a new product as an alternative to ice and ice packs used by food processors during the storage and […]

FSM 176: Fresh Food Processors Keeping Our Food Safe: Commercial Cold Storage for Perishable Foods

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute. During production of perishable food, food processors create and monitor production plans to minimize the growth of pathogens and prevent cross contamination. Often, their plans utilize cold storage to maintain product safety. Plans may include ice. For example, fish processors use large amounts of ice to […]