Gardening and Food Safety - Good Agricultural Practices at Home

FSM 282: Is Rain Barrel Water Safe for Use in School Gardens?

Episode Transcription I’m Susie Criag, welcome to Food Safety in a Minute. Is rain barrel water safe for use in school gardens? While rain barrels are excellent tools for teaching water conservation, their collected water may not be suitable for edible crops. Most rain barrel water originates from roofs and gutters, potentially containing contaminants, including […]

FSM 281: Check School Garden Soil for Lead

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension. It’s important to assess school gardens for lead in soil. Start by asking if soil for inground gardens has been evaluated. If not, it’s easy to buy a test kit online or ask a Master Gardener for help. Elevated lead levels […]

FSM 280: Choose School Garden Location with Food Safety in Mind Food Safety in School Gardens

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension. Food grown and harvested in school gardens are a wonderful way to experience real-life applications of science, agriculture, horticulture, ecology, and nutrition. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or involved in school food service, it’s important to practice food safety from the […]

Episode 26: Food Safety In Your Garden: Ensuring Food Safety After Harvest

Episode Transcription For Safety in a Minute, I’m Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension. Do you know disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and parasites may be lurking on the vegetables you harvested from your garden? Here are things you can do to as you handle, and store produce to minimize the risk of foodborne illness:  For […]

Episode 25: Food Safety In Your Garden: Harvesting Your Produce

Episode Transcription For Safety in a Minute, I’m Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension. Are you ready to harvest the vegetables from your garden?  Commercial growers follow Good Agriculture Practices to reduce and minimize the risk of foodborne illness during harvesting. Whether practiced on a 500-acre farm or your backyard garden, there are several […]

Episode 24: Food Safety In Your Garden: Growing Your Garden

Episode Transcription For Food Safety in a Minute, I’m Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension. Are you growing vegetables and fruits this summer? Whether you use organic methods or conventional methods, attention to food safety from the garden to your table is important.  Here are several ways to reduce the risk of foodborne illness: […]

Episode 23: Food Safety In Your Garden: Preparation For Planting

Episode Transcription For Food Safety in a Minute, I’m Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension. Are you considering a garden this summer?  Whether you use organic methods or conventional methods, attention to food safety from your backyard to your table is important.  Reducing the risk of foodborne illness begins with preparing your garden for […]