Food Handling Practices for Consumer Food Safety

FSM 288: Storing Opened Soy Sauce – Refrigerator of Pantry

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute, from Washington State University Extension. Should I store opened soy sauce in the refrigerator or my pantry? According to the FoodKeeper App, developed by the United States Department of Agriculture, Cornell University, and the Food Marketing Institute, commercial soy sauce is safe at room temperature after […]

FSM 274: Separating Truth from Myth: Wash Ready-to-Eat, Prewashed Lettuce at Home

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute. Truth or myth: You should wash ready-to-eat lettuce and leafy greens before eating. This is a myth. According to the Washington State Department of Health, these products are safe to eat. Produced in an inspected facility following Good Manufacturing Practices, sealed […]

FSM 272: Separating Truth from Myth: Local and Organic Food is Always Safe

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig. Do you believe locally produced organic food is always safe, that it will not cause foodborne illness? This is a myth. There are great reasons to support locally produced food and to choose a diet of organic foods. However, when it comes to food safety […]

FSM 268: Separating Truth from Myth: Does Freezing Kill Harmful Bacteria in Food?

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, welcome to Food Safety in a Minute. Does freezing food kill harmful microbes? No. This is a common misconception, a food safety myth. Home freezers at zero degrees F temporarily inactivate microbes, bacteria, yeast, and mold. Once you thaw food, however, it is potentially hazardous where bacteria may […]

FSM 266: Separating Truth from Myth: Why Do Food Safety Myths Persist?

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year 48 million Americans experience foodborne illness. Some of us are hospitalized, some die. Food safety practices are simple, based on science, and reduce foodborne illness. Yet, during food handing, consumers […]