Donating Food

FSM 263: Sharing Resources with Local Food Banks: Keep Food Safety in Mind

Episode Transcription I’m Susie Criag for Food Safety in a Minute Forty-nine million Americans face hunger every day. With inflation, there’s even more food insecurity this year. Consider giving back locally over the holidays. Look online for your local foodbank, including their food safety guidelines for donated items. Here are ways you and your family […]

FSM 102: Donating to Food Banks – Keep Food Safety in Mind

Episode Transcription This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension. Did you know the Washington State Department of Health has guidelines for donations to food banks? Organizations which serve or distribute food to others must comply with state food safety rules. Foods unsuitable for donation include “ home canned, vacuum-packed or pickled foods, foods […]

FSM 101: Donating Food – Helping Others this Holiday Season

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension. COVID-19 has changed the world. This holiday season, there are opportunities for you to positively “change” someone’s world with donations to your local food bank. Food banks have a commitment to food safety following guidelines set by state and county health […]

FSM 072: Viruses, Soap and Health

Episode Transcription This is Susie Craig from Food Safety in a Minute. Viruses are different from bacteria in that they aren’t living organisms. Once a virus exits an infected person they can be transferred to others, often easily on hands and surfaces, including clothes. Alone, on surfaces, they do not cause infection. They need a […]

FSM 070: Does the Corona Virus Spread Through Food?

Episode Transcription This is Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension. Does the novel coronavirus spread through food? It’s a question frequently being asked by consumers. According to the Washington State Department of Health, it’s unlikely this virus is transmitted through food. There are many coronaviruses: The common cold, SARS, norovirus, MERS, […]