
FSM 276: Symptoms of E. coli Foodborne Illness: Seek Immediate Medical Care

Episode Transcription For Food Safety in a Minute, I’m Susie Craig. In February, the FDA opened an investigation focused on E. coli 0157:H7 found in Raw Farm-brand Cheddar cheese manufactured in Fresno, California. Symptoms begin a few days after consuming contaminated cheese up to 10 days later. According to the CDC symptoms include severe stomach […]

FSM 250: Symptoms of Listeriosis – Contact Your Healthcare Provider

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute, I’m Susie Craig. Did you know there’s an outbreak of listeriosis in western Washington? Listeriosis is caused by the bacteria, listeria monocytogenes. The Washington State Department of Health have tested patients and cases are related. When ingested, this bacteria takes from a few hours to days […]

FSM 249: Listeriosis Outbreak in Washington State From Unknown Food Source

Episode Transcription There’s a cluster of foodborne listeriosis in Washington State. Five adults over 60 yearsof age developed serious infections, three have died. Genetic fingerprinting showed theylikely had the same foodborne source of infection, though it has not been identified.If you’re over 65, pregnant, or have a weakened immune system, here’s how you canminimize your […]

FSM 233: Make Safe Moldable Clay from Flour for Summer Craft Time

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig. Will you be making moldable clay for craft time with your children and grandchildren this summer? Flour is the common ingredient used in homemade clay. However, there is a risk of disease-causing E. coli bacteria in raw flour which can cause serious illness. For raw […]

FSM 192: Symptoms of Disease-Causing Salmonella

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute. Symptoms of Salmonella infections are our focus this week. With this common foodborne illness symptoms generally begin 8 to 72 hours after ingestion of bacteria often starting with gastrointestinal cramping and diarrhea. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, chills, and headache. Symptoms […]

FSM 191: Poultry is the Leading Cause of Salmonella

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig. According to the Food and Drug Administration, poultry is the leading cause of Salmonella infections. One of every twenty-five packages of chicken at the grocery store carries this disease-causing bacterium. Beef, pork, eggs, fruits, produce, and processed food such as peanut butter have also been […]

FSM 190: Disease-causing Salmonella – 1.4M Foodborne Illnesses

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig. Salmonella bacteria is found from farm to table. There are 2,300 types of harmless Salmonella. Two types of Salmonella account for more than 50% of the infections in our country. Salmonella infections cause 1.4 million cases of foodborne illness including 400 deaths in the United […]

FSM 186: Infant Botulism

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension. Did you know last year, health departments reported 162 cases of infant botulism as opposed to 17 cases of foodborne botulism in children and adults? Consumption of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum or its’ spores do not cause illness […]