Backyard Poultry

FSM 187: Stop the Spread of Bird Flu

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute. Avian influenza is spreading from backyard poultry coops in Washington State. If you have backyard poultry, here are things you can do to stop the spread of bird flu to commercial poultry and to protect wild waterfowl, eagles, hawks, and falcons. For Food Safety in a […]

FSM 129: Egg Safety in Your Backyard Poultry Coop

Episode Transcription This is Food Safety in a Minute, I’m Susie Craig. If you have a backyard poultry coop, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has guidelines for the eggs you collect. From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute. Resources Outbreaks of Salmonella Infections Linked to Backyard Poultry – […]

FSM 128: Backyard Poultry and Salmonella

Episode Transcription Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension. Did you know in 2020, there were 1,722 people infected from Salmonella from backyard poultry? 66% of those infected reported direct contact with chicks and ducklings with outbreaks reported from all fifty states. 33% were hospitalized and 24% were under five […]

FSM 127: Backyard Poultry: Tips for Food Safety

Episode Transcription From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute. Do you have a backyard chicken coop? In urban, suburban, and rural settings, families are choosing to raise poultry. An important food safety consideration is protecting your family from Salmonella infections. Backyard poultry can carry these pathogenic bacteria while appearing healthy. […]