This is Disgusting

PULLMAN, Wash. — The latest publication from Washington State University Cooperative Extension is filled with more than 500 disgusting color pictures: cherries coated with brown rot, evergreens desiccated by winter winds, pansy petals covered with spots of gray mold fungus.

But it’s those disgusting pictures that make MISC0194 “Landscape Plant Problems” one of the most popular publications in Extension’s inventory of more than 2,600 titles.

The vivid photos are taken from real-life gardens and landscapes. They illustrate signs of disease, insects and mites, cultural and environmental problems as they occur on 78 ornamental and fruit-bearing plants popular in Washington and the Pacific Northwest.

This updated 172-page reference is a must-have for avid home gardeners, licensed pesticide applicators, Master Gardeners, nursery workers and others interested in identifying the causes of plant problems, the first step to treatment. It is spiral bound for easy use.

Copies of MISC0194 can be ordered from the Washington State University Cooperative Extension Bulletins Office by calling 1-800-723-1763, or order on-line. Cost is $30. Shipping is $5.50. Washington residents must add 7.6 percent sales tax. Visa and MastCard accepted.

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