Prosser Volunteer Inducted Posthumously into State 4-H Hall of Fame

PULLMAN, Wash. — Jeanette Martin Klostermeyer, a longtime 4-H volunteer, has been inducted posthumously into the Washington state 4-H Hall of Fame.

She began her involvement in 4-H as a member of her mother’s 4-H club in Gretna, Neb. From 1953 to 1967, she organized and led four different 4-H clubs in the Prosser area: the Busy Bachelors, Busy Hands, Junior Cutups and Junior Homemakers.

Klostermeyer held offices in the Benton County 4-H Leader’s Council and the district and state leaders’ councils. She was president of the State 4-H Board in 1967- 68.

Klostermeyer organized workshops and contests and served as a clothing judge at the Benton-Franklin County Fair as well as other fairs, including the State 4-H Fair.

She receive the Gold Clover Award and was elected to the National 4-H honorary, Mu Beta Beta, in 1963.

Klostermeyer, who made her home in Prosser, died in 1985.

A total of 122 people have been inducted into the State 4-H Hall of Fame since it was created in 2001.

The Washington State University Extension 4-H program is a community of young people who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. Adult leaders are integral to its success. 4-H’er’s participate in such projects and programs as animal science, the Know Your Government Conference, Science Camp-in, technology, photography and in cultural exchanges.

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