MEDIA ALERT: French Farmers to Visit Palouse Farms

39 grain growers from the Loire Valley of France.

The group will visit three farms in the Palouse and visit Washington State University to learn about cropping patterns, operation of large farms and farm management, especially as farm management relates to soil erosion.

Tuesday, May 27, Wednesday, May 28

The tour will visit two farms and the Washington State University campus on Tuesday and one farm on Wednesday before heading to Lewiston. (Schedule attached.) Dr. James Maguire, retired professor of crop and soil sciences at Washington State University, is coordinating arrangements and accompanying the group while it is in the Palouse. An interpreter will be available to help with interviews.

The Jerry Peterson Farm (P on the attached map) is located about 5 miles west of Colfax on Highway 26.

The John Aeschliman Farm (A on the map) is located is located 8 miles south of Colfax on Almota Road.

Clark Farms (C on the map) is about 5 miles north of Albion. Drive north on Main Street out of town.

Dennis Brown, Information Specialist, at (509) 335-2930 (days) or (509) 334-2297 (evenings) or Jim Maguire at (509) 335-9692.