Lind Field Day, June 18

LIND, Wash. — The 93rd annual Washington State University Lind Field Day will be held Thursday, June 18, at the University’s Dryland Research Station north of Lind.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with the field tour starting at 9 a.m. A complimentary lunch and program will follow the field tour.

Research presentations will include winter wheat and spring wheat breeding, camelina as a dryland oilseed crop, economics of dryland cropping systems, developing winter wheat varieties for emergence from deep planting depths and drought tolerance in wheat. President Elson Floyd and other WSU administrators, state legislators, and wheat industry leaders will also provide updates.

An ice cream social follows the noon program.

The Lind Field Day is free and open to the public. Washington and CEU pesticide credits have been requested.

For more information, telephone Bill Schillinger, WSU research agronomist, at (509) 235-1933 or e-mail him at
