Hands-on Trail Building Workshop for Private Forest Landowners in Arlington

Arlington, Wash. — Join WSU Extension forestry educators and trail experts from EarthCorps in a hands-on trail-building workshop. The workshop will be held Oct. 1 from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Early registration is $15 per person or $25 per couple until September 20. Early registration is suggested as space in the workshop is limited. The workshop location is at 15220 128th Ave. NE in Arlington.

Participants will learn how to properly build and maintain trails through different types of terrain, and what tools and materials are required. The workshop is outdoors and hands-on. Participants will practice working on an actual trail, learn to build a footbridge, and more.

Good walking trails can greatly increase the enjoyment of a forest owner’s property, as well as provide access for maintenance, fire control, and more.

Participants should bring a sack lunch, water bottle, work clothes, gloves, and sturdy boots. Light refreshments and restrooms will be provided on site. For more information or to pre-register, please visit http://bit.ly/oT19BC or contact WSU Extension at 425-357-6017.
