Jon Newkirk

Extension Honors Three Faculty, Colville Tribes

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University Cooperative Extension honored three of its faculty and the Colville Confederated Tribes Wednesday evening in ceremonies here at extension’s Strengthening Our Connections Conference. The Award of Excellence went to Don Meehan, Coupeville; Jon Newkirk, Ritzville; and Christy Price, Ephrata. Meehan was honored for work to improve the environment, develop […]

FARM & RANCH: Risk Isn’t a Dirty Word

Jonathan Newkirk says risk is a four-letter word, but it’s not a dirty one. Newkirk, WSU Cooperative Extension area economist, says many producers treat risk as if it is a dirty word, and that’s understandable. Farming always has been a high-risk business, and it’s getting riskier. Changing weather patterns, globalization of markets and several legislative […]

“The Farmer’s Plight” on KSPS-TV June 17

PULLMAN, Wash. — Economic, environmental and techonological challenges faced by farmers in the Inland Northwest will be the subject of an hour-long public television show seen throughout Eastern Washington on Thursday, June 17. KSPS-TV (PBS) in Spokane will present a special program “The Farmer’s Plight” at 7 p.m./8 p.m MDT. The show will be aired […]

WSU to Lead 13-State Risk Management Project

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University will use a $150,000 competitive grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Cooperative States Research Education and Extension Service to lead a risk management education effort in 13 western states. The grant was announced in Washington, D.C., by Sen. Patty Murray.  “With current conditions, our growers need all the […]

Seminar on Future of U.S. Farm Policy Feb. 14

PULLMAN, Wash. — The future of U.S. farm policy will be the subject of a seminar scheduled at 1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, at the Holiday Inn Express. Speakers include Jack Silzel, agricultural aide to Rep. George Nethercutt, R-Washington; Gretchen Borck, director of issues for the Washington Association of Wheat Growers; and Bill Broughton, eastern […]