Take Care of Your Freezer

Have you wondered if you should periodically clean-out your freezer? The answer is Yes.

  • Manual-defrost freezers should be defrosted annually or when large areas of frost accumulate more than ¼ inch thick. Wrap and pack your frozen food in cardboard boxes or insulated coolers. Disconnect your freezer and follow manufacturer directions for defrosting. Some manufacturers recommend allowing frost to thaw naturally or with a fan. Others, recommend using pans of hot water. One size doesn’t fit all and some approaches may damage your freezer. Use wooden or plastic scrapers to remove loose frost. Use towels to clean-up water and frost.
  • While frost-free freezers don’t need defrosting, they require annual cleaning. Before cleaning any freezer, turn of the power. Wipe surfaces with a baking-soda solution of 1 Tablespoon per quart of water, rinse, towel dry, and replace food.

For more information, visit the National Center for Home Food Preservation: http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/how/freeze/freezer_care.html.