Online Meal Kits and Food Safety:
Before You Order

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Sold by online subscription services, grocery stores and warehouse stores such as Costco, meal
kits are rapidly gaining popularity. Many experts expect sales to top five billion dollars ($5B)

If you’re considering purchasing a meal kit, do some basic food safety research before
ordering. Call a company customer service representative.

  • Ask about their production facility and food safety standards
  • Whether meal kits include information for safe handling and preparation.
  • What happens if the meal kit arrives at temperatures above 40 degrees F.

Arrange for delivery when you are home. If not, specify a place for delivery. Meal kits with
perishable food may have cold packs to maintain a temperature of 40 degrees F or below.

B. Susie Craig
Professor/Area Specialist – Food Safety and Health
Washington State University King County Extension