National Microwave Oven Day: Waste Not, Want Not with Food Safety in Mind

This month, we celebrate a favorite small appliance – National Microwave Oven Day. Percy Spencer, an engineer at Raytheon built the first microwave Radarange in 1947. It was six feet tall and cost $5,000. Today, using a microwave oven is fast, energy efficient, and cost effective.

December is filled with celebrations, food, and leftovers. Using a microwave oven is a great way to reheat leftovers and reduce food waste. Reducing food waste stretches your food dollar, saving money. For maximum benefit, keep a list of leftovers next to your refrigerator, with a plan to use them.

Remember to keep food safety in mind as you reheat. All reheated foods in a microwave oven should reach 165 degrees F as measured with a food thermometer.


B. Susie Craig
Professor/Area Specialist – Food Safety and Health
Washington State University King County Extension