CAHNRS Talk Tuesday: Amanda Martian

Each week, we showcase one of our CAHNRS Ambassadors, a student leadership organization that encourages students to pursue higher education and serves as a liaison between the college and the greater community. This week, we’re featuring Amanda Martian, sophomore from Arlington, Wash. Graphic of student's interests with a formal portrait photo.

What are you studying?

I’m majoring in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Sciences.

Favorite Show/Movie:


Favorite Cougar Tradition:

My favorite Cougar tradition is the Mom’s weekend plant sale in Beasley Coliseum. My mom and I have been going to this event since my sophomore year of high school. Even back then, it wasn’t hard to appreciate all the incredible hard work that went into growing such amazing plants. Going to the plant sale now as a college student brings back so many good memories. I am looking forward to continuing this tradition and creating more memories as well!

Favorite CAHNRS Commodity:

If you know Pullman, you know Paradise Creek Brewery downtown. And if you know Paradise Creek, you know they make incredible mac and cheese using the CAHNRS Smoke Cougar Gold Cheese! This is my favorite commodity, both at Paradise Creek and not.

Why be a CAHNRS Coug?

Being a CAHNRS Coug provides me with a sense of belonging on such a large campus. It is easy to get lost in the crowd while wandering the hills of campus, but CAHNRS helps me feel like I am part of something unique that not many people are a part of. No matter where I am on campus, I am bound to run into one of my CAHNRS family members. This sense of belonging gives me the freedom to be myself without feeling out of place on our incredible campus.

Best Student Experience:

My best student experience has been living in the Honors Residence hall. I lived in a six-person suite last year and, at first, I was really scared to be living with so many people. I quickly found that living so close to so many people provided me with a large group of friends that I am still close with today. My suitemates from last year are some of my closest friends and I wouldn’t have them if I hadn’t chosen to live in the Honors Hall. This decision that may have seemed scary at the time, turned out to be one of my greatest decisions that led to some of the greatest friends.

CAHNRS Taught Me:

CAHNRS has provided me invaluable opportunities to learn how to make new friends and how to handle challenges. Through these opportunities, I have been prepared for issues that I might face during internships and future careers. It is easy to stay in comfortable situations with people that are familiar, however, CAHNRS provided me with opportunities to interact with and befriend unique groups of people that I wouldn’t have otherwise met. These incredible people are constantly encouraging each other to be proud of who they are, especially to be proud to be CAHNRS students.