CAHNRS Faculty Feature: Meijun Zhu

We asked several CAHNRS Ambassadors, excellent students who love WSU and their college, to name their favorite professors. And now we’re featuring those nominated educators in this weekly series.

Today we’re showcasing Meijun Zhu, associate professor in the School of Food Science. Here are her answers to a few questions:

How did you pick this as a career?

Meijun Zhu
Meijun Zhu

I love teaching and research. Choosing a career as a university professor is ideal; it allows me to teach students and also pursue research simultaneously. Through conducting cutting edge research, I can provide students with the most up-to-date knowledge. Also, certain research questions presented to students during lectures can stimulate their thinking, which can train their creative and critical thinking skills. On the other hand, teaching also enhances research. Student questions and discussion can inspire novel research ideas. 

What is your favorite thing about teaching college students?

My favorite thing about teaching college students is to make well-organized, up-to-date and attractive powerpoint slides for students.

Why do you love what you do?

Teaching is a very rewarding experience. I felt very fulfilled when students answered questions correctly, when students sent me “thank you” notes at the end of semesters, and when students achieve in their careers.

If you could provide any tips or advice for your students, or WSU students in general, what would they be?

Come to classes whenever possible. It is important to attend lectures and actively participate in class learning and discussions. In addition, reviewing course content is equally important. 

Any other words of wisdom you’d like to pass along?

Dedication and motivation are the most important attributes for a teacher. For students, make sure you understand class content, and review class content frequently and regularly.