Taylor Lockwood Presents Multimedia “Mushrooms of America” at WSU, Oct. 7

World-renowned mushroom photographer Taylor Lockwood will present “Mushrooms of America” at Washington State University on Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m. in CUE (Center for Undergraduate Education) Rm. 518.

Lockwood’s “Mushrooms of America” is a digital, multimedia show presented by one of the best known mushroom photographers in the world.  The show includes images and stories from the photographer’s mushroom hunting adventures in North and South America.

Taylor Lockwood’s visit to Washington State University is sponsored by the Department of Plant Pathology and the Palouse Mycological Association, and is free and open to the public.

For more information, contact Tim Paulitz (paulitz@wsu.edu) or Lori Carris (carris@wsu.edu).

For more information about Lockwood and his work, visit his Web site at http://www.taylorlockwood.com/.
