Webinar: A year in review of eastern Washington forest health

Larvae-damaged tree.
Larval damage to a Washington conifer. Learn about trends from climate, disease, and pests in an upcoming forestry Year in Review co-hosted by WSU Extension.

Curious about the state of forest health in eastern Washington? Want to learn about the impacts of the 2021 drought?

Join WSU Extension Foresters and experts from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources in a Zoom webinar, “Eastern Washington Forest Health Year-In-Review, 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 15, examining trends over the past year.

Annually, state and federal foresters publish “Forest Health Highlights in Washington,” a year-by-year overview of insect, disease, and other disturbances affecting state woodlands. This webinar discusses early findings, helping landowners and natural resource professionals stay informed about what’s happening in regional forests. It’s a way for small forest landowners to learn about issues they may face in the coming year, says Sean Alexander, WSU Extension Northeast Washington Forester and webinar organizer.

Admission is free. Register at https://bit.ly/foresthealth21